Diamond Eyes by Deftones

Buy this album immediately!!  I just went over to Best Buy to pick this thing up - several weeks after it was released, and I should have pre-ordered it.

This is what Chino Moreno and his band, Deftones, are all about.  This is their first album since 2006's Saturday Night Wrist, and I would have waited another year for this masterpiece.  After listening to it beginning to end while perusing the aisle's of my local grocer, I got home and wanted to listen to it again, but I had to cook dinner.
I'm no music review guru or anything, so I won't spew nonsensical, non-human terms to a listener.  I'm just a fan of good music, and this is simple, melodic, heavy, good music.  I played the air guitar walking around the Bronx, and people gave me all sorts of looks - I just gave the old, "What's up?, head nod. 

There's a reason I have almost every Deftones song in my iTunes library - they're freaking awesome.  Their first album, Adrenaline, was what got me started.  I remember listening to that in my room thinking, "holy hell, this is amazing" as "Root" blared through my headphones.

Glad to see the Deftones are back in full force.  I will keep this one on heavy rotation.  They are one of the best bands of my time, hands down, bar none.

Buy this album, and if you're free, give Chino's other band, Team Sleep, a listen.  It's a little trippy, a little electronica, but it's pretty good.  Only one album though, in 2005.

Going to listen to it again.  "Risk" has some great riffs.  OK, bye.
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