How Freakin' Awesome

I want to thank everyone - especially CARLA, a random stranger who commented on my previous Gift Giving post - for visiting my site.  The amount of visitors is astounding.  And now, out of nowhere, WRT has been selected as today's "Blogs of Note".  Pretty freakin' awesome.  Here's the proof:

Now, I'm not sure what being named the days "Blog of Note" means or what the qualifications are, but I can care less.  I hope more people start reading and those who already partake in WRT continue to enjoy my musings.

Lindsay is watching Glee, so I am going to check out other Blogs of Note and maybe follow a few.  I appreciate the time my readers spend checking out my blog.  I mean, chances are most people just click Next Blog» at the top of the page.

Anyway, thanks again and keep on reading.

Ho Ho Ho!!  Ho Ho Ho!!
My Ping in