
I recently began my subscription to Popular Photography for my Lindsay's cousins school fundraiser, and it got me thinking - is a free, timed trial any way to enhance and share my photos?  I think not.

I downloaded the 30 Day free trial of Photoshop Elements 9 and this thing is freaking unreal.  Don't get me wrong, I understand there's plenty of photo editing programs for free (Picasa, PhotoScape, gimp, etc. etc.) but the lure of Photoshop finally convinced me to cave and I'm trying it. 

It's a lot to get down in one sitting so I've been checking out the free tutorial videos to see what it is I'm supposed to be doing to edit, refine, and totally change photos I've taken.  It's still a work in progress, but I think everyone should get in on Photoshop Elements 9.  The regular soup-to-nuts Photoshop CS5 is some where around $600 - way too much for me to fork over - I can get this version of Elements for $60 and it'll suffice.  I am not out there photographing weddings and pro sporting events for magazines, so being able to do some cool shit with different features is pretty neat.  Bed time.  Be back in the morning.

Anyway, I carried this post over until Monday - I woke up early, took Nathan out, got to the gym early and lifted.  Feeling pretty good right now, I know one day doesn't make me a superhero, but it's a start.  I'm beginning to keep a log of what I did on what day - see if I can get in a little better shape.

I may or may not take a break until after the holidays.  Have a happy and safe Christmas (and whatever other holidays there may be).  I hope Santa brings you everything you wished for.

My Ping in