Jennifer Lopez Dances With New Kids on the Block (VIDEO)

A walk down memory lane turned into a scream of shock and anticipation for Jennifer Lopez on 'The Tonight Show.' It started off innocently enough, with Jay Leno asking her about her big break into the world of professional dancing.

"I got a job working as a back-up dancer for New Kids on the Block," she said. "Dancing on the American Music Awards and it was a big deal."

That was back in 1991, "a long time ago," according to Lopez. "There's tape out there somewhere, for sure," she said.

That's when Leno announced, "In fact, we have it right here." And she screamed.

It was rather adorable, seeing her jumping and dancing in classic NKOTB style. Dancing was so much more innocent back then, if this is any indication. Lopez has certainly come a long way in 20 years.

Still, it's nice to know that with NKOTB still touring, she could always go back to her first gig if she wanted to. We're sure they'd have her back.

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