Video: Will Ferrell Talks Smooching John C. Reilly on Laker's 'Kiss Cam'

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but Will Ferrell still managed to improve the moment captured at a Lakers game with the story behind it. Chelsea Handler had the image of Ferrell
kissing John C. Reilly on 'Chelsea Lately.'

Turns out it was a simple impromptu plan by Reilly to give the infamous "Kiss Cam" something memorable for everyone in the arena.

According to Ferrell, Reilly leaned over and said, "If the camera gets on us, why don't we take a bite of our sandwiches and then kiss." For some reason, Ferrell was completely on board, and then the camera did hit them.

What the still picture doesn't reveal is that between those lips joined are two bites of sandwich, possibly shifting around and even switching mouths. "Half the crowd erupted in joy and the other half vomited," Ferrell said of the moment.

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