On the Road

The journey has begun. Thirty-two people on a Coach USA bus headed down to North Carolina. Some have already begun annoying me by announcing every store front we pass - and we haven't even gotten out of the Bronx.

I just took down my roast beef, lettuce, onions, and a little mayonnaise. Pretty solid sandwich.

I took my migraine medicine so I don't get a banger on this trip. ETA is about fourteen hours from now. We have this driver for four hours before we need to switch out for a new guy. Coach USA drivers can only work 11 hour shifts, so a change is necessary.

I've got the 3G service going on in order to fulfill my blog quota. I know you're all so relieved.

I bought Inception, Due Date, and The Usual Suspects yesterday to help the time go by a little quicker. Gonna wait an hour or so to pop the first one in.

Have a great Thursday and I will be back later on - maybe around hour 8 or 9.

And I miss Lindsay and Nathan and Baby D. My family rules!

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