Knoxville Bound

Headed down to Knoxville, better known as Rocky Top, this weekend.  ETA for departure is about 1:30pm - courtesy of good ol' Coach USA.

Another 12 hour trip crammed in a moving vessel with no windows to open.  And it's raining to boot, meaning it will be that much more uncomfortable and muggy on the bus.  Oh, and we're not traveling with 28 players - oh no - we're bringing everyone on this trip - 32 guys plus four coaches.  Luckily for me, I won't have to share a seat for 12 hours.

I've got a few movies lined up - The Kingdom, Inception, and Boiler Room.  Actually, Boiler Room just came in from eBay yesterday afternoon - $3.00 Buy It Now and $2.99 shipping - can't beat that.  And although I've seen it probably 50 times, I will certainly watch it another fifty times - great movie.  ACT AS IF!

It's a mantra to live by.

Next week is spring break for the students, so regardless of what time we get back on Monday (I hope it's early) we shouldn't get scolded for missing classes.

Lindsay's mother is coming in from Martha's Vineyard for the weekend, so at least I know she will have someone there to help her out.  It's a helpless feeling when it's raining (as it is today) knowing that she has to take Nathan out when it's pouring out.  So I can rest a little easier.  On the bright side, this is the last real long road trip I'll take before Baby D arrives - next weekend is Philly, then Albany.

OK, time to check some emails.  Talk to you next time from the road.
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