Live From the First Seat Behind the Driver

Well, here we are, cruising down I-81 in torrential rains looking for a decent rest area with some options. I can really give a shit what I eat at this point as starvation has almost set it. And it's pissing rain, so my ambition will certainly not kick in - meaning I will not be traveling the road less traveled - or to the line that is shorter.

You see, I try to avoid being around these kids for too long. Bus rides tend to take their toll on me - mentally and physically.

Mentally, I am challenged by trying to a) tune out these kids and their stupid ass comments they make while trying to pay attention to movies (see: Inception) and b) trying to convince myself I am not crazy for taking 12 hour bus trips like they're cool.

Physically, I struggle to maintain my health while on these trips. I get frequent headaches while traveling and not driving. I take an aspirin before every trip we take - whether it's 45 minutes or 12 hours. And I always get some good food (read: not fast food) to try to hold me over until we stop.

This trip, I had a nice roast beef, lettuce, onions, and mayo hero, some leftover cool ranch doritos, and some $1 bottles of Arizona teas. It's worked so far. Now comes out pit stop. Be back on in a few.

KFC. Been kinda fiending KFC since I saw someone in my building with it like two months ago. Three piece fried chicken with mashed potatoes and mac 'n cheese. Dinner of champions. I couldn't have another burger from McDonald's or Wendy's. I couldn't do it.

Now we're back on the bus, watching Boiler Room, finishing up this hellish trip to Knoxville. 2:05 am is our ETA. Not terrible, since the game is at 4:00 pm tomorrow instead of 2:00.

I've seen it 50 times, but this will make #51. Bernie Williams. Talk to you later peeps.

Location:Shitsville, VA

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