DeSean isn't a total punk; More snow; Nat'l Championship Game

I thought, based solely on his on field antics and facial ice-grilling against the Giants, DeSean Jackson was just another smug, cocky NFL douche bag.  Turns out, the guy's got some class.  Take a look at this clip, right around the :18 second mark.  I know they both went to Cal, even though Rodgers left for the NFL the year Jackson stepped on campus.  Birds of a feather I guess.  Game respects game.  (Side Note:  Jackson threw Vick under the bus after the game, questioning his decision to throw it instead of spiking it - but he's not a bad guy)

Weather is headed back towards the northeast it seems, which I'm not all that upset about.  Sure driving in it sucks, but when I take Nathan out to the dog park, the mud created after the snowfall and after most of it melts is a real pain.  When there's snow, Nathan just gets wet.  Heavy snow is 100%, and winds are gonna be gusty.  We live right near the mighty Hudson River, so the winds coming off the river are brutal and frigid.  Here's the forecast:
Heavy Snow
National Championship is on, although I haven't yet tuned in.  Rules of Engagement is on until 9:00 and then I'll switch on over.  I think it's a repeat though, but I'm going to watch it anyway because Patrick Warburton is one funny mo-fo.  I hope Oregon punks these jack wagons from Auburn.  Auburn is giving 1.5 points (for you non-gamblers, if you put money on Auburn, they'd need to win by at least 2 points for you to win).  Let's Go Ducks!  I hope The Duck has to do 200 pushups.
Good night!
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